Let's bloom together!

Let's bloom together!

Tending to the garden of your life with Nicole

Working with Nicole is like collaborating with a wise friend who will see you, witness your greatness and deeply empower you, lovingly.

Nicole connects the dots and spots patterns like it’s her job (because it is!) to help you unearth new levels of awareness.

Bringing together both your inner and outer landscape is the key to your allowing your soul to bloom.

I offer readings and integrative 1:1 sessions below for wherever you are on your journey.


1:1 sessions offer an opportunity for a deeper exploration of the stories we tell and the meaning we make so that we can begin to self author new stories. Potent and targeted, these sessions are for gaining a new perspective and taking grounded action to get from where you are now to where you want to be.

Readings are a beautiful and fast way to connect back to yourself by exploring your gifts and personal energetic patterns.

P.S. everything I do is to bring you back to yourself. We have all spent far too long outsourcing our power, you are your own best authority and I intend to support you and guide you in that way.

What others are saying

“Through these sessions, Nicole helped me dive deep into the core stories that kept me playing small and see how they impact both what I do and how I show up, daily. I am not exaggerating when I say that this was a game-changer.”

"What struck me most was the uncanny accuracy with which this framework aligned with my past experiences. It was as if Nicole had unlocked a hidden code to my psyche, revealing patterns I had only vaguely sensed before. Armed with this newfound awareness, I now have a powerful tool at my disposal to navigate both my personal and professional life."

Nicole has this incredible ability to reflect things back in a way that is deeply empowering and loving -- and she intuitively meets you exactly where you're at. We dove into some intense topics and she really guided me to the heart of what was being uncovered throughout our discussions, leading to huge realizations within myself and my business. My time with her allowed me to dive into nuanced topics that I can honestly say that I could not have felt safe to explore with other coaches.”

“When I understood that there was nothing wrong with me, and it was okay to not feel like “wow, Spring time, so refreshing, rebirth, so fresh, let’s go”. I gained a new perspective.

I feel more… confident, you know? I feel that indeed, it’s all working out perfectly, all in Divine Timing.”

I feel so much more balanced, fulfilled, and found a happiness that was missing from my professional life for a long time. You set me on such a positive trajectory with the way you empowered me, opened up my mindset, and truly care about my happiness! You're amazing and I'm so excited for all that's to come!”

"The awareness and insight I gleaned about myself from this is truly invaluable. It's allowed me to reframe my perspective on every aspect of my life: my business, my life plans, travel plans, relationship awareness and most importantly, my own inner energetic seasons and how that connects to every aspect of my life. It's allowed me to harness more empowerment in creating my life rather than putting out "fires" and having my life feel energetically dispersed from more of a reactive state."

You have Qs — I have Answers!

What is the difference between a reading and a longer 1:1 session?

  • Readings are designed to quickly align you back to yourself and give you new information and perspective

  • 1:1 sessions are longer and allow us the opportunity to understand deeper patterns more intimately, stories and begin to take grounded action to make sustainable long-term changes.

What if I need both life and business support?

Sustainable change happens with time.

  • We are both inner and outer beings with different needs in each area.

  • I believe in whole human coaching where we can’t fully separate one from the other.

  • In my Bloom Intensive (6+ sessions) 1:1 we always integrate your life into your business.

What does 1:1 support look like?

  • I curate all options for for longer-term support based on your needs, which I can recommend to you after an introduction session.

  • By starting with an reading or 1:1 session integration, I can better assess what type of longer term support will help meet your goals.

Is this just for business owners?

Of course not!

  • I work with many women who are not business owners, and have no desire to be.

  • My philosophy is that success means nothing if you are miserable and that success isn’t limited to career or business, it touches every area of our lives.

  • I have coached women in all aspects of their lives including the relationships with themselves, family, food, shopping, money, career, including moving through big transitions and more.